30 June 2012

Misteri angka 13 dan 4 buat Wishnutama

Wishnutama mantan pemimpin yang BOTAK mikirin TransTV

Dunia itu berputar. Ada siang dan malam. Demikian juga garis tangan kita. Ada dimana kita merasakan berada diatas dan ada kalanya juga berada dibawah.

Seperti halnya IW. Dia pernah merasakan bagaimana hidup diatas dan sekarang berada dibawah, menjadi penjual Siomay dan Es Doger dipinggir jalan.

Pernahkah Anda membayangkan kehidupan seperti itu? Padahal IW juga dekat dan dikenal oleh pemilik TransTV, Chairul Tanjung, CT, yang sedang digadang-gadang oleh Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), Presiden RI sekarang untuk dicalonkan menjadi Presiden RI pada 2014.

Sekarang ini CT identik dengan muka busuk SBY, setelah mahasiswa Bandung memprotes kedatangan SBY di Bandung untuk meresmikan pembangunan Trans Luxury Hotel di Bandung.

"Buat apa hotel bintang 4 di Bandung?" teriak mahasiswa-mahasiswa Bandung. Sayang mahasiswa itu lupa kalau dengan dibangunnya hotel di Bandung akan memperluas lapangan pekerjaan. Mengurangi pengangguran intelek.

Tetapi itulah mahasiswa, kata orang suara rakyat, yang jelas sekarang kita menjadi tahu kalau CT memang sedang didekati oleh SBY untuk menjadi calon RI 1 dari Partai Demokrat, partai 1001 maling. Katakan TIDAK pada SBY.

Kembali ke persoalan IW, dia pernah dipecat Direktur Utama TransTV Wishnutama pada hari Jum'at, 3 Februari 2006. Malang benar nasib IW. Dia dipecat hanya gara-gara absensi. Dia menitipkan absensi pada seorang office boy. Padahal IW pernah babak belur membangun TransTV mulai dari NOL.

Tahun ini 2012, peristiwa terhadap IW terjadi pada Wishnutama. Kalau alasan Wishnutama mengundurkan diri karena ingin mengembangkan usaha sendiri, itu namanya BULSIT. Dengan karier yang bagus seperti Wishnutama, menjadi Direktur Utama TransTV, Direktur Produksi Trans7 dan Direktur Entertainment Detik Com, manusia yang punya nalar baik, nggak akan melepas kenyamanan itu.

Jum'at, 13 April 2012 adalah hari sial Wishnutama. Kenapa?

Coba lihat hasil numerologi berikut:
-IW dipecat hari: Jum'at 3.2.2006
-Wishnutama resign hari: Jum'at 13.4.2012

3.2 | 2006
(3+2) | (2+0+0+6)
5 | 8

13.4 | 2012
(1+3+4) | (2+0+1+2)
8 | 5

Memang ada angka 13 dan 4 pada perhitungan diatas. Jadi bagaimana yah apakah suatu kebetulan? Mungkin ya mungkin tidak, mungkin cuman rekayasa Numerology aja kok...Nggak betul itu.....:)

Salam Blogger...

Dan ini dia ada salam juga dari mereka yang pernah dekat dengan Sang Pemimpin Pemfitnah:

Si Mbah Ishadi SK, Dewan Komisaris Transcorp (eksekutif yang nggak mau dipecat) :
"Perjalanan dia untuk menjadi pemimpin itu cukup panjang dan sangat ideal. Sekolahnya bagus, pernah ikut pendidikan militer di AS dan Broadcasting."

Emil "Carmuk" Syarif, Kadiv Produksi Trans TV:
"Mas Tama itu great leader yang selalu memotivasi anggotanya (anggota Satpam kale....) untuk menjadi lebih baik. Dia juga sosok seorang sahabat yang sangat care dengan persahabatan yang tulus (klu ada maunya...)"

Salva, Sakina, Sabian, Saladin, Putra-Putri Wishnutama (anak-anak kurang kasih sayang...) :
"Terharu, bahagia, sedih. Ayah pasti bisa (iya nak bisa jatuh juga khan.....), karena ayah merupakan sosok yang tangguh"

Mantan Karyawan Trans TV (cihuiiiiii....Tama keluar juga akhirnya...selamat ya...) :
"Mas Tama adalah sosok yang cerdas, disiplin dan keras. Sukses terus untuk mas Tama, We Love You (saking senengnya si Tama keluar pake 'w love u' segala hi hi hi)"

Asri Welas, Selebriti (yah yang ini sih ada maunya, minta dikawinin Tama):
"Mas Tama sosok pekerja keras dan penuh kharismatik"


Referensikan Blog Ini dengan nama domain : www.kisahhidupiw.blogspot.com

Wishnutama Kini

Wishnutama ( O )

Jumat 13 April 2012, merupakan hari terahkirnya di Trans Corp[3] [4]. Perusahaan yang dibuatnya maju dan terus berkembang. Banyak yang menyayangkan pengunduran dirinya sebagai Direktur Utama TRANS TV, Direktur Produksi dan Operasional TRANS|7, Direktur Entertainment Detik Com [5] [6] [7]. alasan dia mundur ini adalah ingin mengembangkan bisnis pribadi. sebelumnya dia dirumorkan akan balik ke Indosiar, akan ke Google namun semuanya ia bantah. Dikabarkan pula dia akan membuka restoran & event organizer[8]. Kini Trans Corp kehilangan salah satu orang terbaiknya dan pesan yang terahkir yang diucapkan kepada seluruh karyawan Trans Corp:

(ini ucapan orang yang frustasi ditendang Chairul Tanjung)

sementara Pengganti Beliau saat ini adalah Chairul Tanjung[9]. Saat ini Nama beliau dari credit title telah digantikan oleh Roan Yandie Anprira dan Emil Syarif (Kepala Divisi Produksi Trans TV) serta Andi Chairil (Kepala Divisi Produksi Trans7) untuk program acara. Sedangkan Gatot Triyanto (Kepala Divisi News Trans TV), dan Atiek Nur Wahyuni (Direktur Utama Trans7) untuk program news.

Uhhh.....dulu pernah nyebur di kolam air mancur (depan gedung TransTV) untuk menunjukkan kalo dia bisa mengalahkan RCTI, sekarang, uhhhhh sedih deh....akhirnya ditendang juga ma CT! 

Sumber: Wikipedia Indonesia

Kecelakaan Sukhoi Masih Menjadi Misteri

Remember That Days 
Hingga sekarang belum ada reaksi positif dari TransTV untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Tunggu kejutan selanjutnya. Pasti lebih KEJAM!

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Misteri Dibalik Jatuhnya Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100

Sebagai ganti atas rasa penasaran Anda, silakan ke situs : http://www.acehbarat.com/2012/05/misteri-dibalik-jatuhnya-pesawat-sukhoi-superjet-100/

Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100 (SSJ-100) buatan Rusia yang hilang kontak sejak Rabu kemarin, akhirnya ditemukan pada Kamis pagi (10/5/2012). Pesawat berpenumpang 45 orang, 8 di antaranya kru pesawat, itu  menabrak tebing di seputar puncak 1 Gunung Salak, Bogor..

Lokasi pesawat berada pada koordinat 0642613 South dan 10644412 East. Tempat dengan ketinggian 2.211 meter di atas permukaan laut atau sekitar 7.253 kaki itu termasuk wilayah Kecamatan Cidahu, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Dari kejauhan, tebing yang ditabrak tampak berbeda dengan sekelilingnya. Sebidang tanah tampak lapang, pepohonannya rusak. Sementara, sekitarnya masih rimbun, terlihat masih hijau. Pada bidang yang ditabrak itu membentuk sebuah cerukan.

Tim SAR segera mengerahkan personel ke titik itu. Helipad bekas eksplorasi geotermal Chevron dipersiapkan untuk evakuasi melalui udara. Tim evakuasi melalui jalur darat diberangkatkan, sesaat setelah temuan itu diumumkan.

Tanda-tanda keberadaan pesawat nahas itu pertama kali terlihat oleh Tim SAR yang memantau lewat udara. Mereka menggunakan helikopter Super Puma FA 3214 milik TNI Angkatan Udara. Sekitar pukul 08.30 WIB, tim itu melihat serpihan pesawat yang berceceran.

Menurut laporan petugas SAR, Kondisinya pesawat tampak hancur. Onggokan serpihan burung besi buatan Rusia itu terlihat di ketinggian 5.800 kaki.

“Ada serpihan pesawat dan ada logo Sukhoi. Warnanya sama dengan yang berangkat kemarin,” kata Kepala Badan SAR Nasional, Daryatmo di Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur. “Tempat ini persis di koordinat yang kami duga saat lost contact.”

Pesawat nahas tersebut dipiloti penerbang senior Aleksandr Yablontsev dan kopilot Aleksandr Kochetkov. Mereka sudah menerbangkan Sukhoi yang nahas itu dari Rusia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Myanmar. Namun, keduanya baru pertama kali menerbangkan pesawat di wilayah Indonesia.

Meski begitu, lanjut Sunaryo, sebelum melakukan penerbangan, pilot Aleksandr Yablontsev dan kopilot Aleksandr Kochetkov telah melakukan persiapan dan briefing flight. “Tapi tidak mungkin menerbangkan pesawat jika tidak melakukan prepare,” kata Sunaryo dari PT. Trimarga Rekatama –Konsultan Bisnis Sukhoi di Indonesia.

Sebelum hilang kontak, sang pilot meminta izin untuk turun dari ketinggian 10.000 kaki ke 6.000 kaki kepada menara kontrol Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Sunaryo mempertanyakan mengapa permintaan itu dikabulkan pada koordinat itu. “Pilot minta izin turun, tetapi diizinkan,” kata Sunaryo.

Namun, dia tidak ingin menduga-duga. Sebab, Trimarga Rekatama sudah menyerahkan sepenuhnya proses investigasi kepada Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT). “Kenapa terjadi, itu biar dari KNKT. Itu kewenangan dari KNKT,” ujarnya.

Pihak Basarnas membantah pilot itu telah mendapat izin turun ketinggian. Menurut Humas Badan SAR Nasional, Gagah Prakoso, menara Soekarno-Hatta belum mengabulkan izin itu. “Dia hanya report ke ATC ke 6.000. Belum dijawab oleh tower dia menabrak, sebelum dia jawab sudah menghilang,” kata dia.

Gagah menambahkan kecepatan pesawat kala itu 800 km/ jam. “Itu pesawat kecil,” tambah dia. Mengapa pilot meminta turun? “Itu biasanya inisiatif dari penerbang, mungkin saja karena cuaca atau kabut tebal,” tambah dia.

Kontak terakhir dengan Menara Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, tambah Gagah, pesawat sedang menghindari awan. “Saya pikir karena faktor cuaca, dia akhirnya menghindar,” imbuhnya. “Mereka tidak mengenal medan dengan baik.”

Sementara, Koordinator Rescue PT Dirgantara Indonesia Bambang Munardi memperkirakan bahwa pesawat Sukhoi Superjet-100 jatuh karena masuk ruang hampa. Itu diduga jadi alasan pilot minta izin turun.

Bambang menjelaskan, pesawat kemungkinan masuk ruang hampa udara di ketinggian antara 10.000 kaki sampai 6000 kaki. “Turun drastis dalam waktu relatif singkat. Sangat sulit pesawat bertahan dalam kondisi itu,” jelasnya.

Dalam kondisi seperti itu, imbuhnya, pilot pesawat harus memiliki keahlian khusus untuk menstabilkan pesawat. Selain itu, pesawat juga harus punya teknologi untuk mengatasi masalah ini. “Kami belum tahu catatan pilot dan kemampuan teknologi pesawat Sukhoi ini.

Kondisi cuaca buruk akibat badai di wilayah Laut China juga berdampak langsung ke kawasan Gunung Salak yang berkontur pegunungan. “Akibatnya sering terjadi turbulensi udara dan tersedianya ruang hampa udara. Ini sangat membahayakan penerbangan,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT) akan memfokuskan penyelidikan jatuhnya Sukhoi Superjet 100 RA-36801 pada ada-tidaknya izin untuk menurunkan ketinggian pesawat dari 10 ribu kaki ke 6.000 kaki.

“Mestinya, kalau sudah menurunkan ketinggian, sudah dapat izin dari Air Traffic Center (ATC),” kata Kepala KNKT Tatang Kurniadi, Kamis (10/5/2012). Menurut dia, percakapan itu tidak hanya ditangkap ATC Soekarno-Hatta, tapi juga ATC Halim Perdanakusuma.

Menurut Ketua Asosiasi Pilot Garuda Stephanus Gerardus, banyak misteri yang harus dibongkar soal izin menurunkan ketinggian. Ia menduga, sedikitnya ada tiga kemungkinan penyebab jatuhnya Sukhoi Superjet 100. “Selain faktor ATC,  kemungkinan pilot sengaja melakukan demonstrasi manuver. Ini kan penerbangan promosi,” ujarnya.

Faktor lain yang bisa menjadi penyebab kecelakaan adalah cuaca di Gunung Salak. Namun, menurut Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, cuaca di Bogor dan Gunung Salak pada Rabu (9/5/2012), aman untuk penerbangan.

Terganggu Sinyal HP?
Seorang penulis di Kompasiana.com, Seand Munir, membuat analisa sendiri. Kabarnya, sejumlah penumpang pesawat naas Sukhoi itu ternyata mengaktifkan telepon seluler (ponsel) saat pesawat sedang terbang. Terbukti, kata beberapa saksi, sejumlah panggilan ke ponsel mereka ternyata tersambung namun tidak diangkat. “Padahal ini sangat tak diperbolehkan dan bisa membahayakan penerbangan,” tulis Seand.

Nah, benarkah  sinyal ponsel yang masih menyala ini juga mempengaruhi penerbangan itu? Ada beberaoa contoh kejadian kecelakaan pesawat akibat sinyal ponsel. Misalnya, pesawat Crossair dengan nomor penerbangan LX498 baru saja take-off dari bandara Zurich , Swiss. Tak lama kemudian, pesawat menukik jatuh. Sepuluh penumpangnya tewas. Penyelidik menemukan bukti adanya gangguan sinyal ponsel terhadap sistem kemudi pesawat.

Selain itu, pesawat Slovenia Air dalam penerbangan menuju Sarajevo pernah melakukan pendaratan darurat karena sistem alarm di kokpit penerbang terus meraung-raung. Ternyata, sebuah ponsel di dalam kopor di bagasi penumpang lupa dimatikan, dan menyebabkan gangguan terhadap sistem navigasi.

Ada pula Boeing 747 Qantas yang tiba-tiba miring ke satu sisi dan mendaki lagi setinggi 700 kaki, justru ketika sedang final approach untuk landing di bandara Heathrow, London. Penyebabnya, seperti ditulis The Australian (23/9/1998),  tiga penumpang belum mematikan komputer, CD player, dan electronic game masing-masing.

Data ASRS, tulis Seand, menyebut bahwa sinyal ponsel kerap mengganggu pesawat sejak take off hingga landing. Bebrapa mulai gangguan sinyal HP di pesawat antara lain: arah terbang melenceng, Indikator HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) terganggu , gangguan penyebab VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Receiver) tak terdengar, gangguan sistem navigasi, gangguan frekuensi komunikasi, gangguan indikator bahan bakar, gangguan sistem kemudi otomatis.

Sedangkan gangguan lainnya seperti Gangguan arah kompas diakibatkan oleh CD & game. Gangguan indikator CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) diakibatkan oleh gameboy. Kebisingan pada headset para penerbang dan terputus-putusnya suara mengakibatkan penerbang tak dapat menerima instruksi dari menara pengawas dengan baik.

Untuk diketahui, ponsel tidak hanya mengirim dan menerima gelombang radio melainkan juga meradiasikan tenaga listrik untuk menjangkau BTS (Base Transceiver Station). Sebuah ponsel dapat menjangkau BTS yang berjarak 35 kilometer. Artinya, pada ketinggian 30.000 kaki, sebuah ponsel bisa menjangkau ratusan BTS yang berada di bawahnya.

Jadi, jangan pernah menyalakan ponsel ketika berada di pesawat! Gatra

28 June 2012


Pindang. When I opened the Google Translator, there has been no word pindang in their libraries. Pindang is preserved fish. pindang it was not salty like dried fish more inclined to taste fishy.

Pindang is cheap. Only Rp 5,000, - or about U.S. $ 0.5. With that price, we can eat three times a day using pindang.

Due to insufficient finances, every day, we eat pindang. Pindang tasty eaten with warm rice, tomato sauce and vegetables. There are many kinds of vegetables are delicious with pindang, such lodeh vegetables, boiled or stir-fried kale.

Although we must be concerned with food potluck, but we remain healthy.

Did you know, in the big city like Jakarta or Surabaya, pindang become very popular and favorite food?

By whom? The Pussy CAT...meooow....it's like CatWoman :)

25 June 2012

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Date: 18 Jun 2012 22:00 – 25 Jun 2012 21:00

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Terimakasih Atas Kunjungannya. 

24 June 2012

This Blog Is END

This blog is over. I do not want to extend to writing about the tragedy behind of Sukhoi Crash and Fokker 27 A 2708 in this blog. Besides going to hurt the victims of Compton Effect will also be painful for me. 

And I do not force you to believe the stories in this blog. I also never manipulate the story here.  

This pure will of God. I'm not a psychic, witchcraft, sorcery, shamans, psychics, braggart, forecasters and similar. I just experts an electrical engineer  and I am not an expert to engineering a story .  

You must believe it or not. It is your right. God clearly more expert than I who only make assumptions based on my expertised.

Here I just wanted to convey the message of God to us all, so you should never do injustice in this earth because it will be painful for everyone.

Wrath of God it hurts like the message of Allah in Al Qur'an. We should be cautious in how to live it so as not to do injustice.

For those who have been oppressed person, immediately upon God for mercy and beg forgiveness from those who have been wronged.

I also reminded to the Indonesian Journalis's people and the reporters working in Indonesia who have been silenced the message of God, so long as it works you have to be careful. Do not forget to says "Bismillah".

This is The Message from GOD (Allah) :

 "And fear of punishment that is not specifically override the wrongdoers among you, and know that Allah is severe in punishment." (Al-Anfal 8:25).

 "Dan peliharalah dirimu dari siksaan yang tidak khusus menimpa orang-orang yang zalim saja di antara kamu dan ketahuilah bahwa Allah amat keras siksaan-Nya." (Al-Anfaal 8:25).

Thanks for my "virtual" friend also who help me, thanks to all of you to visit and attention to this blog.

IWahjono ,Eng
Victim of UU-ITE (Indonesian Electronics Transaction Information Laws) on 13.12.2008
Jl Tangkis Timur 5 Lengkong
Nganjuk-Jawa Timur
Contact No: 08977984990

"You should to preach the message of this to everyone that we believe in Allah"

23 June 2012

5 Is A-L-L-A-H

"I was no longer wish to discuss the theory of Compton because it would punish myself. I also do not want to hear the heartbreaking story of the fore again after the accident of The Military Aircraft of Indonesian Airforce of Fokker 27 A 2708."

"I only asked to those who do wrong should have been on the GOD for mercy."
(I Wahjono-suspect cases of UU ITE on 13.12.2008)

More Info About IW :

Referensikan Blog Ini dengan nama domain : www.kisahhidupiw.blogspot.com

Apakah Kecelakaan Fokker 27 A2708 bagian dari Efek Compton?

Illustration of Compton Effect

Is Fokker 27 A2708 Crash part of the Compton effect? See the ilustration above.

 I'll explain a little about that question:

Just look at the date of 9.5.12, I fill out the date as 9.5.2012. If you add up all the numbers that will produce the number 19 and count again will result 10 count again became (1).

In electronics if we will measure the poles of the desired voltage then we must have different poles, as pole (+) and pole (-). We just assume that the pole is above is (+) and we are back on the calculation date of the Fokker 27 A 2708 accident at Jakarta Halim Perdana Kusuma.

We complete the date 21.06.2012. We add up these numbers. The result is 14. Because the date is assumed of pole (-) then we subtract that number, (1-4) = (-3) or (3).

Well of two figures are seen in reference (1) and (3) is (13) or Energy 4.

Who can do that? You must have guessed.See the number (19) with (14).You try to reduce 19-14 is 5.

Maybe there are not believed to count on especially with the number 13 and 4 myth. Allah is the owner of this universe.Allah know any human language.Also Allah know about number 13 and 4,
who believed as an unlucky number.So Allah sends a message that is easily understood by humans.

Allahu Akbar.

22 June 2012

Kecelakaan Fokker 27 berhubungan dengan "Experiment X" ?

Experiment X
Emission Spectrum of 137Cs


The purpose of this and the following experiment is to introduce nuclear measurement techniques, and to investigate some of the properties of nuclear radiation. For this experiment, the energy spectrum of 137Cs is measured using a Single Channel Analyzer (SCA).


The naturally occurring 133Cs is a stable nucleus. However, an isotope of cesium, 137Cs, which is a common fragment of the fission process of 23592U, is unstable due to an excess of neutrons. This isotope has a half-life of 30.17 years and it decays via beta- (b-) to 137Ba, i.e.,

    13755Cs ® 13756Ba* + 0-1e. + n-bar
Often the daughter nucleus, 13756Ba*, is in an excited state and when it decays to the ground state it emits a gamma-ray (g-ray) with an energy of 662 keV. (The symbol * indicates that the nucleus is in the excited state.) In addition to the beta particle, an anti-neutrino,n-bar, is also emitted. However, we will not be concerned with this particle for this experiment.

    13756Ba* ® 13756Ba + g
g-rays are highly energetic electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are called photons. The energy of a photon is given by E = hf = hc/l where h (=6.63×10-34 J·s) is the Planck's constant, f is the frequency of the wave and l is the wavelength.

The g-ray emitted as a result of 137Cs decay can induced a number of reactions as it passes through matter.

There are three types of interactions that the photon can undergo.

1. Compton effect (Figure 10.1) - In this process, a photon is scattered off from a stationary electron (or nucleus). The scattered photon loses some energy and thus has a lower frequency than the incident photon. The amount of energy lost depends on the angle, f. The higher the angle, the greater the energy lost. If l is the wavelength of the incident photon, then the wavelength of the scattered photon is given by
    . . . . . . . . . . . .10.1
where the factor is called the Compton wavelength and mo is the rest mass of the electron. When f = 180°, the photon is back-scattered, i.e., it returns in the direction it was traveling.

2. Photoelectric effect - A photon may knock an electron completely out of an atom and in the process it completely disappears. All the energy of the photon is transferred to the electron.

3. Pair production (Figure 10.2) - A photon is converted into an electron and a positron. (A positron has the same rest mass (511 keV) as an electron but has a positive charge, +e.) In pair production matter in the form of an electron and a positron is created from pure energy according to Einstein's energy equation, E = mc2.

When an electron is ejected from an orbit at low energy level, it leaves behind an empty state. This permits another electron from a higher energy level to make a transition to the lower level. When this occurs, the electron gives off an x-ray photon.

For this experiment our objective is to identify as many of the above processes as possible using a single channel (energy) analyzer. The photons are detected using a scintillation counter.

The scintillation counter is one of the most commonly used detectors of g­ and a­radiation. A NaI crystal containing a small amount of thallium is mounted on a photomultiplier tube and this assembly is encased in a light tight covering. When a g­ray or charged particle enters the NaI crystal, collisions with the electrons in the crystal create excited atomic states near the thallium impurities. When these excited states decay, a pulse of visible and near ultra­violet light is emitted from the crystal. The light pulse strikes the "photocathode" of the photomultiplier tube causing electrons to be emitted by the photoelectric effect. The electrons from the photocathode are accelerated by an electric field to a series of plates. At each plate a colliding electron knocks out several more electrons. The resulting "cascade" is a multiplication of the electron current. The "gain", or multiplication factor, of the photomultiplier tube is about 10. The electrical pulse from the photomultiplier is fed to a Single Channel Analyzer which decides whether the height of the pulse, i.e., the energy of the original g­ or a­ray, is within the chosen range. If so, the pulse is further amplified, then fed to a "scaler" which counts the number of pulses over a set interval of time. It should be noted that the scintillation system has an overall efficiency of about 5% for g­rays (meaning that about 5 g­rays are counted for each 100 striking the NaI crystal). The efficiency depends upon the energy of the radiation, the size of the crystal, and other parameters.

Hook up and calibration procedure

NOTE: Make sure that all power switches are off, and the high voltage (H.V.) controls are set to zero before you connect or remove the cables.

1. With the power off connect the scaler/timer and the NaI probe to the (HV connections on the rear panel of the Amplifier/Analyzer using the signal and High­Voltage cables. (See Figure 10.3).

2. Turn on the scaler and the Analyzer, and set the scaler high voltage control to 1400 volts.

3. Set the analyzer mode switch to "window" and the baseline­E (or lower level discriminator LLD) to 65.2% (6.52 turns).

4. Set the window width or DE to 2% and place the 137Cs source directly under the detector in the near bottom slot of the holder.

5. Very slowly increase the fine gain control, watching for a sharp rise and fall in the count rate meter reading. If no such marked peak of count rate is observed as the fine gain control is increased over its entire range, increase the coarse gain by one step. Repeat the slow increase of the fine gain. As soon as the sharp peak in count rate is observed, adjust the fine gain to the point at which maximum count rate is obtained.

The single channel analyzer is a Pulse Height Analyzer (PHA) for one channel. The Baseline is a "lower level discriminator" (LLD) which only passes electrical pulses which are greater that the LLD. With the mode switch on "Window", the window­DE control acts as an "upper level discriminator" (ULD). The ULD stops all pulses with heights greater than the ULD. Thus only pulses with heights between the LLD and ULD are amplified and counted. On the other hand if the mode switch is on "integral" all pulses above the LLD are counted.

As 137Cs has a known g­ray peak at 662 keV (0.662 MeV), we use this to calibrate the SCA. With the baseline set to 65.2%, and the "window width" set to 2%, we count all g­rays with energies between 652 keV to 672 keV. So we have 1% range = 10 keV, with a full scale calibration of 1 MeV (1,000 keV = 100%).

Once the calibration as outlined above is completed DO NOT adjust the gain setting.

6. Turn the computer on and run "Quattro Pro". Load the template "Energy spectrum.wb3" into memory.

7. Lower the Base-line on the SCA to 0% and count for a 20 second interval. Record your data on the Quattro Pro spreadsheet. Reset the counter then raise the Base-line to 2% and repeat the 20 second count. Repeat the count by raising the Base-line 2% each time until 100% of the analyzer's range is reached. Don't forget to record your reading for each of the 20 second interval on your spreadsheet.

8. Follow the on-line instructions and create an xy plot with number of counts on the ordinate and energy in keV on the abscissa (x-axis).


Identify the 32 keV x-ray peak from the 137Ba daughter, the 75 keV x-ray peak from the Pb shield, the Compton scatter region and the 662 keV gamma-ray peak from the 137Cs. Use Figure 10.4 as your guide.

Calculate the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the gamma-ray peak in units of keV. Divide the FWHM by the peak energy (662 keV) and express as a percentage. Compare your data to Figure 10.4 and comment. (FWHM is a measure of how well a line is resolved.)

Answer the following questions.

1. Based on the principle of energy conservation would you expect to see pair-production from the 662 keV g­ray?

2. Explain why there are very few counts for energies greater than 700 keV.

3. Explain why there is a broad range of energy resulting from the Compton scattering. Use Equation 10.1.

4. Why are there more counts for the x-ray lines than the g-ray line?

December 29, 1997.
This page last updated on December 29, 1997.
© 1997 Dr. H. K. Ng.
All Rights Reserved.

Arthur Holly Compton, Fisikawan Amerika Serikat

Arthur Holly Compton (1892-1962) ialah fisikawan Amerika Serikat yang menerima Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisika atas sumbangannya dalam penemuan sebuah efek yang dinamai menurut namanya (efek Compton).

Dilahirkan di Ohio dan menjalani pendidikan di Wooster College dan Princeton. Saat bekerja di Universitas Washington, St. Louis ia menemukan bahwa panjang gelombang sinar X bertambah jika mengalami hamburan, dan pada 1923 ia bisa menerangkannya menurut teori kuantum cahaya. Pekerjaan ini telah meyakinkan orang akan kebenaran realitas foton; sebenarnya Compton sendirilah yang mengajukan kata “foton”.

Setelah menerima Hadiah Nobel Fisika pada 1927, ia bekerja di Universitas Chicago untuk mempelajari sinar kosmik dan membantu menjelaskan bahsa sebenarnya sinar ini terdiri atas partikel yang bergerak cepat (ternyata sekarang partikel itu ialah inti atom, dan sebagian besar ialah proton) yang berputar dalam ruang dan bukan sinar gamma. Ia membuktikan hal ini dengan memperlihatkan bahwa intensitas sinar kosmik berubah terhadap lintang, dan hal ini hanya bisa diterima jika partikel itu ialah ion yang lintasannya dipengaruhi medan magnet bumi.

Selama PD II, ia merupakan salah satu tokoh pimpinan yang mengembangkan bom atom.


Bio Data:
Puji Astuti (Tutik)
Blitar 12 September 1988
Fisika Universitas Negeri Malang
Jawa Timur-Indonesia

"Dalam mengarungi kehidupan, adakalanya kita dihadapkan pada badai kehidupan. Masalah bukanlah beban yang memberatkan kehidupan kita, tapi merupakan pelajaran dan pendidikan dari Allah, ini adalah cara untuk menaikkan kualitas kita, dan pelajaran  bagaimana menangani masalah dengan berbekal keyakinan dan kemantapan hati. Bukan dengan keputusasaan dan ketakutan.  Saat masalah itu datang, lebarkan hati dan katakan, selamat datang masalah."
Sumber:  http://poojetz.wordpress.com/2011/02/05/arthur-holly-compton-fisikawan-amerika-serikat/

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (15): What's going on with the crash of Fokker 27 aircraft ?

Illustration of Fokker 27 Crash

What's going on with the crash of Fokker 27 aircraft with A 2708 number?

Between believing and not believing, I tried to trace all data owned by the Air Force's Fokker 27 that crashed in Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta on 21 June 2012 at 14.30.

Between bold and not, I found the Energy 4 pound  that plane.

Please see the illustration in the picture above.

I found clear similarities with the events before the Fokker 27 crashed in Halim.

This is the result of calculations of Energy  4 or + 9 Volts Energy, and - 4 Volt Energy which generates a number of  +13 Volt Energy or Energy 4 (E4).Bad News..........Allahu Akbar...........

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (14): How to read the wave diagram incase of Fokker Crash

Read a diagram to accuracy. As well as read the event is happening also need rigor and deep understanding.

Energy hitting the "target electron" apparently different outputs.At the output of "Recoil Electron" outputs in the form of a normal wave.

But at the output of "Scattered photons" because the amount of energy, produced causing "shock wave" in the early stages.

After the "shock wave" the output energy generated back to normal.

Clear at the end of the energy traveling up outbreaks around the energy field.The accident at 4, 44, 444? Wallahu A'lam Bishawab......

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (13): The Wavelength, Fokker 27 A 2708 crash analysis

Ilustration of Wave

I want to explain to you about wavelength or so-called lamda.See the figure above.

Lamda is a wave that moves in the air. This is the wave energy. Energy which we call the Energy-4 (E4) has been moved in fits and starts. Please see in the image above

Is there something that causes surprise you?

Indeed true that the movement is always the number 4. Ranging from 4, 44, maybe next is 444, 4444 and 
Wallahu A'lam Bishawab.........

The waves are very dangerous especially have a lot of casualties. How to stop the waves?

Kill me? Not the right solution. to kill me, God(Allah)  is even more angry and will increase the intensity of the wave. Can you imagine if the intensity is increased, there will be many more victims.

So what is the solution?

I want to help, the way is to suppress those who have oppressed me to come to where I live. They must ask for forgiveness in accordance with the message in Al-Qur'an. We are muslims must always stand on the books brought by the prophet Muhammad SAW.

Hopefully in that way, God's (Allah) anger will be decreased and the Energy 4 (E4) will be reduced and lost. Allahuakbar.......

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (12): The Energy 4 that moves

Illustration of Compton Theory

I have to say how the Energy 4 is moving as in the theory of Compton. Energy arising from the collision of electrons is very large compared to the previousThe bias energy has a wavelength (called: lamda) that is wider than the original. See my explanation of the relevant article in this blog.  

Then you try to calculate how many days it takes the energy of motion. I would not count them for you because it's energy to pound on military aircraft.

The interesting is the number of the date of the collision between the two results. See the results of my calculations:

13.5.12 = 12
21.6.12 = 12

Is there a relationship with Energy 4?

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (11): Indonesian air force Fokker F27 crashes near Jakarta

An Indonesian air force Fokker F27 transport has crashed near Jakarta’s Halim air base.An air force source confirmed the incident on 21 June, but was unable to provide further details.

According to media reports from Indonesia, the crash occurred at 14:30 local time, with the aircraft involved having been registered as A-2708.

The reports suggest the aircraft was circling the airfield prior to the incident, and banked to avoid a building before crashing.

Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database records Rolls-Royce Dart-engined aircraft A-2708 as having entered use in 1977. It was one of six F27-400s in active use with the Indonesian air force, which earlier this year signed an order for nine replacement Airbus Military C295s to be delivered from 2014.

An April 2009 crash involving an Indonesian air force F27 at Bandung air base killed all 24 passengers and crew.

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (10): The Adapter Explanation

After I explain how the relationship between time and number, now I want to illustrate how magnetic fields or Energy 4 affect an event.

I have a power supply or adapter. There are two kinds of adapter is an adapter that has 2 poles and 3 poles. As the adapter 2 poles has a positive (+) and negative (-) while the adapter 3 poles has an additional pole is grounded.

Adapter with two poles when we measure with a multimeter only arises a measurement such as + 4 Volts DC. Adapter that has 3 poles there are two measurements that is generated  +4
Volts DC and - 4 Volts DC.  

Why? Because the reference of measurement of the ground.

Such type of that similar adapter is used in many digital devices including computers, laptops and smartphones you are used.

What is the relationship with Sukhoi crash?

I want to repeat again how the magnetic field or Energy 4 occurred. Energy 4 is looking for a pole, we refer to (+). And I am converted into energy units is 603 Joules or 9 so that the pole is called +9 Volts.

Furthermore, there is another opposite pole there are lower than the that poles. I refer to - 4 Volts. All measurements refer to the Ground or Earth.

But you will ask where the numbers are - 4 Volts?

I want to explain about the date of Sukhoi crash at that point . The date of Sukhoi crash is
9.5.12 which when summed produce the number 17 and counted again to 8 which raised the number 4.

Now it is full of data that we have, so that I easily explain to you how energy can lead to that 4 points lower.

With reference to the ground point, the generated voltage as follows:

+9 Volts, Ground and -4 Volts   <<<<

If measured with a multimeter, ground and (+9), will be measured as + 9 Volts with the ground, while the (- 4)  measured as - 4 Volts.

And then I will measure pole + 9 Volts with - 4 Volts. What were the results?

On the multimeter will read + 13 Volts. Wow unlucky number?

That's right. In that conditian, in that date Sukhoi crash the number +13 Volts coming.That is means there is a difference voltage which makes Energy 4 to the point where it was Sukhoi crash.

Whether it can be understood? Only God's know....Allahu Akbar....

21 June 2012

Behind The Sukhoi Crash Story (9): Time and Number

Life is not separated from the time, including number.I want to clarify what the relationship with time and numbers.

Already described how the Energy (4) is moving with velocity (t), moves at irregular points.Energy in search of a negative energy corresponding to the right point.

That energy released is mb = 4 range or 603 Joules.When you add up the numbers is 9 (mb is magnetud body).

Then the energy 4 that moves in time (t) for about 4 years.You know that 1 year is 365.5 days,1 day is 24 hours, 1 hour is 60 minutes and 1 minute is 60 seconds.
Finally 4 years  became 126.316.800 seconds.That number when added together will be a 27 or 9.

Because I do not know when that energy is released, so I assume that the time to at that point starting with 0 seconds.

You can imagine now that the energy of 603 Joules or 9 is closer to 126.316.800 seconds or 9. It means that the state is corresponding or match.

At the time the plane shook so badly, the pilot descended to 6.000 feet.Unfortunately the pilot to pick up speed so the plane then crashed into a mountain.

Who then release that The Energy 4? You've guessed it, but what essentially?

My reason for this, look:

I assume the energy released mb = 4 (mb is the "magnitude of body") meet at one time 126.316.800 or 9.

Well the figure 9 (time) - 4 (energy) = 5.

Number 5 is God's or ALLAH.Why?Muslims are ordered to pray in 5 time a day.Allahu Akbar.....